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Terrifying Effects of Air Pollution on Human’s Behaviour

Worried about the terrifying effects of air pollution on humans’ behaviour – Continue reading and learn more!

Air pollution is a known killer, with estimations that it kills around 7 million people yearly. But you may not know that air pollution also terrifies human behaviour. 

According to American Psychological Association, air pollution can lead to increases in aggression and violence, decreases in intelligence and cognitive ability, and even psychological problems such as anxiety and depression. This is just another reason why it is so important to take steps to reduce air pollution levels. So,  let’s discuss the topic in detail…

Effects Of Air Pollution On Humans’ Behaviour

Effects Of Air Pollution On Humans' Behaviour


Here’s some drastic effects of air pollution that can badly affect our behaviour:


The anxiety caused by air pollution can be incredibly severe, leading to panic attacks and other serious mental health issues. As per the reports of the Journals Plos One, people who live in places with high levels of air pollution are more likely to experience anxiety disorders.


The pollution in the air can lead to depression, as it creates a feeling of hopelessness and despair. Studies have shown that people who live in areas with high levels of air pollution are more likely to suffer from depression.

Aggression and Violence

Air pollution has been linked to an increase in aggression and violence. A study in China found that people exposed to higher levels of air pollution were more likely to engage in violent behaviour.


The polluted air can irritate people, causing them to snap at even the slightest provocation. As per the research, air pollution can also lead to increased anger and hostility.


The polluted air can cause people to feel constantly nervous and on edge, making everyday situations seem much more difficult. According to Reuters, air pollution can also lead to increased anxiety and stress levels.


The polluted air can cause people to feel incredibly sluggish and drained, making even the simplest activities seem like a chore. As per the NCBI report, air pollution can also lead to increased fatigue and sleepiness.


The polluted air can cause people to feel dizzy and unsteady, often leading to falls and other accidents. Studies have shown that air pollution can lead to increased vertigo and balance problems.


The polluted air can cause headaches and migraines, making everyday life difficult to cope with. According to Science Direct, air pollution can lead to headaches and migraines.

Memory problems

The polluted air can cause memory problems, making it difficult to remember even simple things. Science Daily reports that air pollution can lead to memory problems and cognitive impairment.

air pollution and mental health


Exposure to air pollution has been linked to decreased intelligence and cognitive ability. This is especially true for children, who are still developing their brains. The effects of air pollution on intelligence are worrying, as they could lead to long-term problems with learning and development. The Guardian Exposed that children exposed to higher levels of air pollution had lower IQ scores than those who were not exposed.

Reduced ability to concentrate

The polluted air can also make it difficult for people to focus and concentrate on tasks, leading to poorer performance at work or school. Science Daily describes that air pollution can lead to increased forgetfulness and difficulty learning new information.

Inability to think clearly

The polluted air can cause people to feel foggy-headed and confused, making it difficult to think clearly. As per the research of NCBI, air pollution can lead to impaired cognitive function.

Poor decision making

Polluted air can cause people to make poor decisions, as they are not thinking clearly. This could lead to accidents or other problems. Studies have shown that air pollution can lead to impaired judgment and decision-making.

These drastic effects of air pollution can badly affect our behaviour. So, it is important to take steps to reduce air pollution levels to protect our mental and physical health.

Tips To Reduce Exposure To Air Pollution

reduce air pollution

Here are some tips for reducing air pollution and protecting our health:

  • Stay indoors as much as possible, especially with poor air quality.
  • If you must go outside, limit your activity and wear a face mask against harmful filter particles.
  • Keep windows and doors closed when air quality is poor.
  • Run an air purifier in your home or office.
  • Avoid using wood-burning fireplaces or stoves.
  • Limit your time around traffic, especially during rush hour.
  • Don’t burn trash, leaves, or other materials.


Now that we know how air pollution can affect our behaviour, let’s take a look at some frequently asked questions about the effects of air pollution on humans’ behaviour.

How does air pollution affect human behaviour?

Air pollution has been linked with a wide range of negative effects on human behaviour, including anxiety, depression, aggression, irritability, nervousness, lethargy, dizziness, headaches, memory problems and reduced ability to concentrate.

What are some tips to reduce exposure to air pollution?

You can limit your activity and wear a face mask against harmful filter particles. Keep windows and doors closed when air quality is poor. Run an air purifier in your home or office. Avoid using wood-burning fireplaces or stoves. 

What are the evil effects of air pollution?

Air pollution has been linked with a wide range of negative effects on human behaviour, including anxiety, depression, aggression, irritability, nervousness, lethargy, dizziness, headaches, memory problems and reduced ability to concentrate.

What are the five effects of air pollution on humans?

The 5 effects of air pollution on humans are respiratory, cardiovascular, Cancer, Congenital disabilities, and Premature death. 

What are the psychological effects of air pollution?

The psychological effects of air pollution are anxiety, depression, aggression, irritability, nervousness, lethargy, dizziness, headaches, memory problems and reduced ability to concentrate.

The Final Words

Air pollution is a serious problem that affects human health all over the world. The health effects of air pollution can be very serious and, in some cases, even death.

Air pollution has been linked with a wide range of negative effects on human behaviour, including anxiety, depression, aggression, irritability, nervousness, lethargy, dizziness, headaches, memory problems and reduced ability to concentrate.

So, It is important to be aware of these dangers and take steps to reduce air pollution to protect our mental and physical health.

Looking to improve the air quality in your home or office? Then read our articles to learn more about the effects of air pollution on human health. 

Moreover,  if you found this article helpful, share our website AirCleansy with your friends and family. We are dedicated to helping people improve the air quality in their homes and would love for as many people as possible to learn about us.


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